Tuesday, 7 April 2009

BUSINESS NEWS: Skills workshop to boost future business prospects

UNDERSTANDING West Somerset employers’ skills and employment needs and providing good training opportunities to ensure competitive futures for local firms are some of the themes of a free workshop being held later this month.
The ‘Skills and Employment Workshop’ takes place at the Regional Rural Business Centre (pictured), off Junction 24 of the M5, on Monday, April 20, from 5 pm to 7 pm.
Businesses in West Somerset and Sedgemoor can discuss the upcoming training needs of workforces to help their businesses cope through the recession, and to capitalise on opportunities when the economic climate eventually changes.
The networking event has been jointly organised by West Somerset Council and Sedgemoor District Council to ensure local businesses are equipped for the future.
Councillor Michael Downes, West Somerset’s economic portfolio holder, said: “Fresh information in the face of the changing economic climate is needed so that we can, by working with other organisations, provide the skills and training local businesses want.
“By working with employers and skills providers to identify and address needs, we can help to put in place meaningful, targeted support and training.
“The evening is friendly and informal and all businesses are welcome, from the smallest to the largest local firms.
“Anybody can attend, in fact, who wants their business to grow and is willing to help us plan a better future for the local economy as a whole.”
Places at the workshop can be booked before April 15 by calling West Somerset economic regeneration officer Corinne Matthews on 01984 635287 or emailing cmatthews@westsomerset.gov.uk.
Anybody who cannot attend, but would still like to make the needs of their business known should contact Corinne Matthews to request a questionnaire.

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