Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Council holds free interactive workshop for district's ageing population

PEOPLE aged 50 years and over who live in West Somerset are being invited to a free, lively and interactive ‘Ageing Well’ workshop and lunch at Halsway Manor (pictured) on Thursday, October 9, from 9.30 am to 3.30 pm.
West Somerset Council housing and well-being portfolio holder Councillor Kate Kravis said: “We are hoping older people in West Somerset have a lot to say, and we want to hear it.
“The workshop is going to be friendly and informative but, most importantly, it is a great chance to get involved at a grass roots level to help develop a better future for everybody.”
An Audit Commission report published last month revealed that by next year, more than half of all West Somerset residents will be aged 50 years or older, compared to a national average of 34 per cent.
The workshop will feature wide-ranging discussions which will include service development, fear of crime and anti-social behaviour, health and well-being, and volunteering.
There will be a break at mid-day for a free lunch.
The council’s community portfolio holder, Councillor Neil Parbrook, said: “There will be some short presentations but plenty of opportunities for people to give us their views.
“We would like the event to be as lively and interactive as possible.
“People aged 50 or over tend to know their own minds and, as one of the largest and most vibrant sections of the community, we want to make sure that they have an equally active part in shaping the future so that it is increasingly positive, dynamic, supported, and fulfilling.”
The district council has teamed up to organise the workshop with the Somerset Primary Care Trust, Avon and Somerset Constabulary, Magna West Somerset Housing Association, Somerset County Council, and the West Somerset Strategic Partnership.
There will also be exhibitions and information available on a wide number of initiatives which are already available in West Somerset.
Help with travel arrangements is available, and more information, including how to book a place on the workshop, is available from Gail Sloman or Sarah Wilsher on 01984 635208 or by emailing

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